
We Never Learn

Augustus liked the little boys as much as the next Shogun, yet this wasn't seen as strange. Nudity all over their prominent buildings, heck, they even bathed together. Pornography and homosexuality - how naive of you to think it new.

Yet this is not a problem, the problem lies in 'taboo'. Fuck, shit, damn, you know it's not bad. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Don't say he's a fucking idiot unless you want him to fuck you, idiot. But if you whaked your big toe, go ahead, if it makes you feel any better.

We think it's bad, so we make it bad. We think masturbation a secret, gas un-natural, and sex up the rectum wrong. Tell ya what, 9 out of 10 men and women touch themselves, everyone's gotta fart sometime, and pre-historic men didn't know which hole made the baby - only that the other one is spewing blood.

Yeah it's disgusting, but disgusting isn't wrong. Fried cow's brains, a delicacy on a bun - and perfectly legal. Do you eat it? No? How about olives, spinach, or sauerkraut? Lots of people do, they must be evil.

Censorship feeds criminals, when you hide you beg to be found. If it's all right there in front of you, there's nothing left to find - no harms and no fouls. I'll stand outside naked, I have no qualms with that, I was born this way, after all. I crave sex, it feels good to fart, and if he wants it 'that way' - hey why not? Go look at a National Geographic, see all the perfectly moral societies that let their women just hang right out. We have made a problem out of what comes natural, what was free and real from the moment we came from our mother's cunt.

Absolutely nothing is offensive, you should learn that. When we grow up being taught about breasts and dicks just as easily as that was said, there will be a warmer home beneath those covers. Don't be so fucking insecure. Some men like men, some women like women, some people like anal sex, and some people like sauerkraut.

Deal with it.


Miche said...

Yes I get your point, but it's not just the sex thing - sometimes I'm specific in order to be vague =)

We should apply this to everything. My next works will cover this more vaguely specific =P

Bitch from Hell said...

oh my gosh trisha, i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry, i just today got your comment on my meme, and read all your answers, i feel like an asshole. i never bothered to read my comments on that post i guess. sounds like you and i are quite alike! :) me thinks i should addy ya to my blogroll, let me know if its alright with you ok?
again, i am so sorry.... that will teach me not to read my comments ... or at least check up on them... usually i read them all, somehow i missed that one. BUT i found it :)
chat soon.........

Cie Cheesemeister said...

As long as they aren't raping anybody, molesting children or having sex with animals, I'm pretty tolerant. Although I do cringe at the idea of people having sex with close relatives.
Also, I draw the line at eating grubs or cow brains. But there are people who do, so hey, to each their own when it comes to that sort of thing.

Miche said...

caralyn - that's okay =) I've been sick, and time has never really been a big issue.

cheesemeister - as soon as everyone can freely express their sexual desires, there will be no such thing as rape. It's the hidden that's begging to be found. If you show it all right there, and have brothels and the like, there won't be 4-year-old little girls talking about salty milkshakes in court. (I know two of them personally)

will - you're dead on the nose =)